Appearance on “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 22/02/2025

To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
Appearance on “SOTTOVOCE”, Rai Uno, 11/02/2025

Special episode of Sottovoce “Aspettando Sanremo”. To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
Speciale radio “I generi nella scienza e la scienza dei generi”, Roma Tre Radio, 06/02/2025
For the National STEM Disciplines Week 2025, Roma Tre Radio proposed, on Thursday 6 February 2025 from 12 to 1.30 p.m., a special on the topic ‘Genders in science and the science of genders’, hosted by speaker Alessandra Melis and Andrea De Iacovo, Researcher at the Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering. Contributions from 11 professors from 8 different Departments of Roma Tre University were aired with the idea of discussing, with an approach as multidisciplinary as possible, how gender differences affect scientific research and how, conversely, science deals with the study of gender. The special event was inaugurated by the contributions of Professor Massimiliano Fiorucci, Rector, and Professor Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector of Roma Tre University. Audio interview Link Spotify Link SoundCloud
Appearance on “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 11/01/2025

To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
“Il linguaggio della diversità culturale. Prospettive per una comunicazione inclusiva”, “Più Libri Più Liberi” Spazio Rai, 5/12/2024
How important is it for Universities to focus on the language of cultural diversity? Interview with Prof. Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector of Roma Tre University, on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Rai Per La Sostenibilità-ESG and Rai Ufficio Studi ‘Il linguaggio della diversità culturale. Prospettive per una comunicazione inclusiva’ in the Spazio Rai of “Più Libri Più Liberi”, Roma Convention Center La Nuvola, 5 December 2024. To see the interview: link

Appearance on “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 16/11/2024
The host Gigi Marzullo presents the films currently showing in cinemas and on television, joined by industry professionals such as directors, actors, and film critics. To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
“Come un’Onda, contro la violenza sulle Donne”, Rai Radio1 and Roma Tre University, 24/10/2024
On Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Letters (Via Ostiense 234, 236) at Roma Tre University hosted “Come un’Onda, contro la violenza sulle Donne”, a nationwide traveling campaign by Rai Radio1 and Giornale Radio Rai. Over the course of a year, this campaign will travel across Italy—visiting universities, public squares, associations, schools, courtrooms, and prisons—to amplify voices addressing violence and to promote the values and rights of women. The event will explore contradictions and lesser-known aspects of violence, while also highlighting best practices and initiatives from Italy and abroad. The six-hour discussion will be enriched with musical and theatrical interludes, introduced by Elena Paba, coordinator of the Rai Radio1 GR campaign. The opening remarks will feature contributions from the Rector of Roma Tre, Prof. Massimiliano Fiorucci, and Prof. Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector and Coordinator of Roma Tre’s Third Mission activities. This will be followed by Francesco Pionati, Director of Rai Radio1 and GR, and Mia Grassi, Chief Editor of Adnkronos. During the morning session with students, a message from Pope Francis was read, emphasizing the significance of this campaign, which is the first of its kind by Rai. Link
“Sottovoce”, Special Episode for Sophia Loren’s 90th Birthday, Rai Uno, 09/20/2024
In the special episode of “Sottovoce” on September 20, 2024, Gigi Marzullo, directed by Alessandra Rotondo, honours Sophia Loren on the occasion of her 90th birthday. Among the guests in the studio is Professor Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector of Roma Tre University. To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
“The Sociology of Music”, Sociologicamente, 09/01/2024
Interview with Professor Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector of Roma Tre University, on the sociology of music, conducted by Francesco D’Ambrosio for the sociological information platform To read the interview:
Link, Download PDF
“Seidisera”, RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera, 08/19/2024
US Elections: The Democratic Party Convention kicks off. Radio interview with Professor Anna Lisa Tota on Swiss Radio’s Rete Uno program “Seidisera,” hosted by Luca Berti, episode aired on August 19, 2024, from 6-7 PM, discussing the opening of the Democratic Party Convention in the USA and Kamala Harris’s candidacy. To listen to the interview: link
“Tutta la città ne parla”, Rai Radio Tre, 08/05/2024
The commemoration of the Bologna massacre and the Italicus train bombing has reignited the public debate on historical memory, particularly regarding the judicially established responsibility of the guilty parties. This is a memory that remains partly unresolved and continues to be revisited. What is the cultural legacy of these events? How do younger generations relate to the recent history of our country? Guest: Anna Lisa Tota, Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at Roma Tre University. Together with Lia Luchetti and Trever Hagen she co-edited the book “Sociologie della Memoria” (Carocci, Collana di Studi Superiori, 2018).
Listen to the interview:link
“Milleeunlibro”, Rai Uno, 04/22/2024
To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
“Inquinamento visuale. Manifesto contro il razzismo e il sessimo nelle immagini”, Bookcity, 19/11/2023
Presentation video of the book “Inquinamento visuale. Manifesto contro il razzismo e il sessimo nelle immagini” by Anna Lisa Tota, Antonietta De Feo, and Lia Luchetti (Mondadori Università, 2023), Bookcity, Teatro Franco Parenti, Via Pier Lombardo 14 – Milan, 19 November 19 2023. Video by Anna Lisa Tota, Antonietta De Feo, and Lia Luchetti. Editing by Alessandra Ciarla. Link
“Sui Generis”, Radio Popolare, 11/17/2023

“Inquinamento visuale. Manifesto contro il razzismo e il sessismo delle immagini” (Mondadori, 2023): We discuss this with Anna Lisa Tota, professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes; Federica Fugazzotto, who translated bell hooks’ “Ain’t I a Woman?”, and “Digitale De-genere”, an initiative to address gender issues in the tech sector.
Curated by: Elena Mordiglia.
Listen to the interview:Link
“Ecology of Words and the Power of Information”, 09/16/2023
Lecture at the Journalists’ Training Course, promoted by Ucsi Marche, the Order of Journalists of Marche, and the University of Camerino, on “Ethics and Information in Pursuit of Truth” – Abbadia di Fiastra (Tolentino-Urbisaglia MC) – September 16, 2023.
“Mind vs. Reality: Overcoming Thought Traps”, 07/10/2023
“Take care of your thoughts, for they will become actions. Take care of your actions, for they will become habits.” As Gandhi wisely warned us, these enlightening words are echoed in Professor Anna Lisa Tota’s book “Ecologia del pensiero”, which reminds us that the former is a necessary precursor to the latter.
Interview for the magazine:
“Third Mission: Roma Tre University”, 07/10/2023

What impact can a university have on its local area through its initiatives? We explore the goals and achievements of Roma Tre University’s Third Mission with Professor Anna Lisa Tota, Vice Rector in charge of Third Mission activities, Professor Antonio D’Alessandri, Professor Marco Catarci, and Professor Alessandro Neri. Podcast “Attiviamo Energie Positive.” Listen to the interview: Link
“Scritto letto detto”, Rai Storia, 06/25/2023

Sociologist Anna Lisa Tota takes us on a journey through the labyrinth of our minds and thoughts. Video
Episode “Scritto letto detto” 2023 season, episode 77.
“Memoria Festival”, 23/05/2023

Professor Anna Lisa Tota discusses how, in this era of intense and constant media stimuli, it is essential to take care of ourselves and our minds.
“Against the Pollution of Words and Thoughts”, 05/24/2023
Memoria Festival
Podcast “Il posto delle parole”
“Ecology of Thought, Deep Ecology”, RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera, 04/24/2023
What if pollution wasn’t limited to the physical environment but also affected the flow of our thoughts? What if those thoughts could become eco-thoughts that promote well-being for both ourselves and others? And what if all living beings, both animals and plants, could contribute to the eco-thought of the world? These are the reflections of sociologist Anna Lisa Tota, who invites us to reconsider how we choose and generate thoughts—ecological thoughts. Listen to the interview on the show “Millevoci,” curated by Michela Daghini: Link
“Roma Tre: My Thirty Years”, 02/10/2023
This video celebrates the 30th anniversary of Roma Tre University, featuring interviews with professors and institutional figures. Guided by a student born during the university’s development (Orazio Rotolo Schifone), a young man from the Ostiense neighbourhood who grew up alongside the university. With rare archival footage (from the Istituto Luce newsreels to amateur videos) and period photos, the documentary reconstructs the state of the Ostiense-Testaccio-Marconi area before the university’s founding: a post-industrial zone characterized by markets and slaughterhouses. With the founding of Roma Tre, everything changed: disused factories became university buildings. The documentary showcases these new “factories of culture” and features significant contributions from the Rector, Massimiliano Fiorucci, the General Director of Roma Tre, Pasquale Basilicata, former Mayor Francesco Rutelli, current Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, and the architects involved in the complex restructuring (Francesco Cellini, Andrea Vidotto, Paolo Desideri), as well as Vice Rectors Anna Lisa Tota and Mario De Nonno, Professor Elena Pettinelli, the president of the Eighth District, Amedeo Ciaccheri, Umberto Marroni, and special witnesses like the owner of the historic Ostiense venue “Il biondo Tevere,” and director Ferzan Özpetek, who made Ostiense a symbolic character in his films. Through interviews, testimonies, and reflections, the birth and development of a university that transformed the neighbourhood and the city are reconstructed, modifying its cultures and playing a major role in research and teaching with a broad and modern project. The video is directed by Vito Zagarrio, director and professor at Roma Tre, produced by the university, and created by Cavadaliga Film with the active support of Roma Tre’s Audiovisual Production Center.
Appearance on “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 01/22/2022

To watch the full episode on Rai Play: Link
Appearance on “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 12/18/2021

“Speaking and Writing Without Discrimination”, RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera, 06/14/2021
Inclusive language seeks to move away from gender-based terms by using asterisks or the schwa symbol (ə).
The opinions of two experts.
Listen to the interview: Link
PARTECIPAZIONE A “Cinematografo”, Rai Uno, 26/11/2018